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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Share your tattoo

and on thursday, i'm going to be starting my crafty lady sleeve project. i'll be getting a sewing judy on my right arm right about the lyrics. i'm taking my sketches and ideas down to my artist thursday, so it will be done in the next couple of weeks.
Tattoo News Review
CATWOMAN TATTOO ART By Artist Josh Reynolds

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Cute Tattoos hot n beautiful
Style tattoo design

Monday, December 28, 2009
tattoos zone girl

While angel tattoos are quite popular with females, an increasing amount of men have also used the angel as part of a design that usually signifies loss or pays tribute to another. In women, the angel is often seen innocently sitting on a cloud, playing harps, or serving as a guardian watching over their every move. Depending on the meaning of this type of tattoo, an angel is also used to illustrate retaliation and revenge, as seen in the avenging angel.
Angels are seen as spiritual beings that are thought to possess a level of power that humans do not have access to. Some people believe that angels are the spirits of humans that are highly evolved. The history of the angel starts with the Bible, where the general sense is that these creatures represent the will of God or carries out God's work. While angels are known as guardians of the soul or divine beings, they have also been associated with falling victim to sin - as seen in the case of the fallen angel named Satan.Mr. Payaso

Pictures of Tattoo Designs
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Feminine Tattoo Lettering

Lest I forget some of the more delicate fonts, here is a great tattoo lettering style for poems, song lyrics, scripted works, or even quotes. This would be a great style to work into a larger floral or nature piece as well.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tatoo on her neck

We recently noticed a tattoo embedded on Deepika Padukone’s nape. The tattoo says R K (but obviously Ranbir Kapoor). Since it is hidden behind her hair, not many have caught sight of it yet.
We just hope Ranbir Kapoor doesn’t have a “D.P” embedded somewhere or the other.
Anyways, great going guys, and pass the piece of (inspiration) to every one else in love too.
Tanglewood Numbers Demos

Do you like shiny metals? Do you like Larry David's bald head? If you answered yes to both of those deep questions then you will LOVE Silver Jews. If you answered no but know good music when you hear it you will LOVE Silver Jews. As mentioned before I used to listen to Biggie Smalls and stuff like that in my teens, then I got a girlfriend and she had a tape with Silver Jews on one side and Belle and Sebastian on the other. She'd put it on every night and for a long long time all I knew of either band was 'Smith and Jones' and 'Stars of Track and Field' cause I'd be out like a light as I would have been doing radical stunts on my skateboard all day (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K52c8BjU200 [I'm up first]). So I bought If You're Feeling Sinister and copied The Natural Bridge and American Water off her brother. As I'm sure you are aware Belle and Sebastian became SHITTY POO whereas Silver Jews are still kicking ass and will continue to kick ass, I am sure of that.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Lower Back Tattoo
Sexy Lower Back Tattoo For Girls
Adam Hefner
In the 1990's the popularity of lower back tattoo rose. It was also the time half of the shirt and clipped the tip of the style. For this reason, the girls realized that this was the perfect opportunity to show his tattoo, as well as the production of seductive and sexy appeal. Until that date, a tattoo on your lower back tattoo is still popular among girls. And they can be big, to show when you're on the beach or simply wearing low rise jeans.In order to emphasize feminine curves of the body, tattoos are placed in this area tend to have an oblong shape. Generally, these tattoos are a way that was surrounded by elongated structures, patterns or lines. Total images that are placed in the center includes the star, butterfly, dolphin, cross, heart, or a dragon. Meanwhile, examples of which are commonly used to surround the range from the center of the image Swirly designs, flames, wings, and even grapes. Typically, large tattoo in the center and just on the decline while it spreads outward. There are several cases where these tattoos pack further back in the direction of the waist or girls and can produce beautiful and unique look.
There are also a few tattoos, which have a rounded shape. Even if this is an unusual sight, it can produce an attractive appearance itself. However, if you ask which one is sexier, the answer is oblong. This is because it simply underlines the girl's body shape is much better. Tattoo on the lower back area of the body is considered attractive, and get signed on his neck. This is simply because they are hidden, and only someone special can see them. There are several reasons why girls get a tattoo signs in this area. On the one hand, it can offer a wide and flat expanse to the tattoo artist at work. It is also an ideal place for a tattoo, because it does not change or stretch with the usual bodily changes that occur with age, pregnancy or weight.
In addition, flashing this tattoo on his lower back tattoo into your body can be sexual, because it is often a place that people usually do not see. Finally, you can get lower back tattoo and still be able to put more to the corporate world, and nobody to see it unless you either show it or if you bend down.
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